Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park

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Wilton Preserve Featured on LookTV

LookTV sat down with Executive Director Margo Bloom Olson to discuss Wilton Preserve. Together they talked about the importance of protecting acreage, creating accessible environmental education, and providing opportunities to recreate in nature. Thanks to their partners* Wilton Preserve is able to protect the habitat of the endangered Karner blue butterfly while also offering a place for the community to get outside. The multifaceted goal of conservation, recreation, and education truly exemplifies how the area is a park for people and a preserve for nature.

Jesse and Margo also exchanged excitement about the upcoming Larry Gordon Outdoor Education Center, planned to be created within the already established buildings of Camp Saratoga. The first building, described as the Welcome Center, will be a place where people can pick up maps, see artifacts from when the Boy Scout of America owned this land, and learn about the history of the Indigenous people that used to live in this area. The second building, which currently serves as the Winter Lodge, will be an classroom and conference center.

To watch the full interview, click here.

To schedule a traveling program or field trip with Wilton Preserve, contact Allyson@WiltonPreserve.org.

*The Town of Wilton, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Saratoga County, and The Nature Conservancy.